• Monday, 07 November, 2022 05:51:PM

       The first stage in Jharkhand was the arrest of IAS officer, Mrs Puja Singhal, the second in September, the illegal mining of Mr Prem Prakash was gone under investigation and IT raid on CM representative MLA Mr Pankaj Mishra and Mr Amit Aggarwal and the third episode is IT raid on Mr Anup Singh and Mr Pradeep Yadav source says. Mr Yadav is a known opponent of BJP leader and MP Mr Nishikant Dubey, he contested twice but lost source says. Mr Anup Singh is the person, who went to court against purchase efforts of the BJP to topple the present government source says. Mr Vipul Aggarwal and Mr Amit Aggarwal are said to be very close to CM and probably for this reason central agencies are investigating unaccounted money and property source says. Hon'ble Governor, Mr Ramesh Bains said in Raipur while talking to reporters that soon atom bomb will blast source says. Everyone including the CM thought that he is referring letter from the Election Commission to disqualify the CM but instead these raids and ED summons to the CM source say. The CM considering these facts made up his mind to call a special session of the assembly on the 9th to pass the special bill on Khatian and the Reservation source says. The 1932 bill on Khatihan is to give 27% reservations to OBC source says. State elections are two years away but as per rumours, Mr Soren is likely to go for mid-term elections if some constitutional problems arise due to actions of persons and authorities against the elected government source says.


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