• Monday, 14 June, 2021 01:37:AM

     One wedding invitation card printed in Tamilnadu is trending because of the unique name of the bride, her brothers, sources say. The card carries P Mamta Banerjee name of the bride, A M Socialism is the name of the bridegroom. The brother's names of the bridegroom are A M Communism and A M Leninism. The father of the bridegroom is Lenin Mohan Salim is an activist of CPI in the district and the year 1991 after the collapse of the USSR, he says everyone started telling that Communism is over. Sources say, not happy with the popular saying named his three sons as Socialism, Communism, and Leninism. The family members of the bride are Congress supporters and grandfather of bride personally very much influenced with Mamta Banerjee so decided to name his granddaughter as P Mamta Banerjee, sources added. The father of the bridegroom says that he wants the family should support communism in the future also and that’s why he has named his grandson as Marxism and wants to name his granddaughter as Qubasism in the future?


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