• Monday, 12 July, 2021 10:43:AM

    Very careful calculations to fight next elections in UP and later to face parliament elections resulted in the induction of seven ministers from UP and it was kept in mind to please OBC and other casts, sources say. Two ministers from Kurmi community, two from the scheduled caste, one from Lodh community, and one Brahmin. sources say, Verma, Vice President is considered close to Kalyan Singh and probably to keep Lodhs he has been inducted but when the strategy was finalized care has not been given to Kayasth community, since inception Kayasthas are committed to the BJP but the lone minister of the community has been removed and no replacement from the community, sources say this has hit the community more and rectification required on priority because the community is around ten percent and influencing society even if from behind the curtain. They are opinion makers which are very important to woo voters. In UP the numbers are more and to win the semi-finals it is important to take everyone along, sources say?


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