• Monday, 13 March, 2023 12:47:PM

    The entire political life of two strong leaders of Madhya Pradesh moved around their enmity but the successor of the Late Madhav Scindia had to place a stone for a new airport at Rewa, the lifelong political ground of Late Arjun Singh source says. The followers of the Scindia family could not digest the move of junior Scindia, the present Civil Aviation minister source says. But the minister was not having many options to avoid and had to perform, it’s a different story that this move has started new political vibrations in the state. but it was compulsions that brought junior Scindia to a place which always remained loyal to Late Singh and his family. In the Vindhya area, the BJP is losing and to boost the morale and regain ground the party thinks that without taking the help of the Late leader's name it will not be possible to have a strong foothold in the area and party thought to send the rival. Still, one of the strong leaders of Madhya Pradesh to lay stone for the Airport and a project that this will bring a lot of employment and business opportunities for the people of the area source says. BJP lost the local elections and the Mayor seat of Rewa recently source says. The party has seen the setback after twenty years of ruling the area source says. 


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