• Monday, 15 May, 2023 10:27:AM

    After some controversy, Ram Madhav was sidelined by BJP's top leaders' a source says. He was removed from the post of General Secretary of the party also. He maintained a low profile for almost three years and now again after taking charge of International affairs in RSS has planned to organise one meeting at Dhaka of the nations around Hind Mahasagar source says. The meeting is organized by RSS-supported think tank India Foundation source says. Director of the foundation Alok Bansal and Madhav also met the PM of Bangladesh in this convection source says. Representatives from Bangladesh, Mauritius, Australia, and some other countries attended source says. Japan and USA, though not connected but worried due to the expansion program of China in the area also participated source says. This international meeting has brought Ram Madhav into the limelight source says.


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