• Monday, 09 October, 2023 08:20:PM

    In meetings, Vasundhara Raje pleaded for the sake of the party to declare the face of CM for coming elections but the high command did not agree and suggested that the party wants to bring a new face to lead the party after elections source says. The party is also not able to curb the differences between state leaders and non non-declaration of CM face has also dampened the enthusiasm of leaders and their respective supporters source says. On plea to have a combination of old and new faces in the nomination, the party high command offered that she should contest against the Ashok Gahlot from Sardar Sahar source says. Probably, the offer was to create differences between Gahlot and Raje and also to get rid of leadership issues source says. The party's high command is aware of good political relations between the two and is also sure that Raje will not be able to win against the Gahlot from his traditional seat source says. The sitting MP from Jaipur, Diya Kumari is being promoted to new leadership and to be a safe bet for the CM position, if the BJP gets a majority to form government source says.
