Today's Witness Saturday, 22 February 2025, 11:26 AM, ( Updated at 11:30 AM Daily)
Monday, 08 January, 2024 09:25:PM
This time BJP has planned to return with 400 + seats in the parliament. In 2019 party contested 436 seats out of 543 total seats and bagged 303 seats source says. BJP lost 160 seats and 51 candidates could not save their deposits source says. BJP contested the election with regional parties in coalition in Punjab, Bihar and Maharashtra source says. Due to this arrangement, BJP contested only three seats out of 13 in Punjab, 25 out of 48 in Maharashtra and 17 out of 40 seats in Bihar source says. This time party is to contest each seat in these three states and the names of probable candidates have started pouring to the party president source says.