Today's Witness Friday, 24 January 2025, 12:05 PM, ( Updated at 11:30 AM Daily)
Monday, 08 January, 2024 09:26:PM
It is long drawn strategy of the BJP to convert the religious occasion in favour of the party source says. The trust overlooking the construction work of the Ramlala Temple has planned to organise the pre-Pran Prathishta and post-Pran Prathishta days to boost the religious feeling of mass source says. The distribution of Akshat to people throughout the nation and then convergent of all the important persons at the site for Pran Prathishta likely to pass on the message the trust wants to source says. A big tent city is being planned for the stay of the dignitaries during religious ceremonies, and later this will be converted into houses for pilgrims, trust is managing to bring from all corners of the country a source says. This mega event will probably focus on the dedicated work undertaken by the BJP for the community, leaving all others who have also contributed to pave the way for shifting Lord Ram from a tent house to one of the best temples, a source says. The polarisation is going to help in consolidating the position source says?