Today's Witness Friday, 24 January 2025, 12:14 PM, ( Updated at 11:30 AM Daily)
Monday, 12 February, 2024 11:58:PM
The Bharat Ratn to the grandfather, Charan Singh, ex-PM and a prominent Jat leader of the country, have brought Jayant Chaudhary into the BJP camp, source says. This was a betrayal to the Samajwadi party of Akhilesh Yadav source says. During the last two elections, RLD could not win sufficient parliamentary seats, but even though BJP was eager to bring him into the NDA camp, a source says. Probably, this is only because Jat voters in almost 28 constituencies of the area dominate the election results, a source says. RLD is having a good influence on these voters source says. In 2019 BJP could manage only 7 seats of western UP out of 14 seats, and this time, with the support of RLD, plans to win all 14 seats this is the forcing agenda to tie up with RLD source says