• Tuesday, 02 April, 2024 11:25:PM

     Naveen Jindal was trying to join the BJP but failed source says. The arrest of Arvind Kejriwal at midnight has disturbed the Aggarwal of Haryana source says. Kejriwal is also Aggarwal from Haryana and has strong connections with locals source says. Aggarwal are in sizeable numbers in Haryana source says. Their detachment from the BJP would cost them dearly. BJP was aware of the consequences, the source said. Saini, the sitting MP of the Kurukshetra constituency was elevated as CM and a new face was required to contest from the Kurukshetra a source says. To soothe the feelings of Aggarwals perhaps BJP thought to give the ticket to Naveen  Jindal, a Congress rebel and an Aggarwal source says. Within 24 hours, Naveen was admitted to the BJP, and a ticket was also given from Kurukshetra, a source says.


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