• Tuesday, 02 April, 2024 11:25:PM

     One of the most favourable ex-bureaucrats of present leadership was very sure of contesting from Darjiling source says. After G20, Harsh Shringla, perhaps after getting a hint from top leadership started taking meetings and started participating in rallies to get himself acquainted with the ground realities and make his face popular in the entire constituency source said. Raju Bista, the sitting MP, was not happy with the move of top leadership and the entire local party set-up was behind Bista source says. Sensing the defeat of an official candidate other than Bista, the top leadership has withdrawn, and most likely, Bista will get a ticket, source says. Local MLA of Darjiling, Sharma, has also raised a flag against Bista, saying that outsiders be kept away from the contest, a source says. The Karsiyong MLA, Vishnu Prasad Sharma, has also announced that he will contest as an independent candidate from Darjiling if the candidature of originally Manipur resident Raju Bista is not cancelled, a source says. Top leadership is trying to pacify Sharma. Shringla has accepted the decision of the party's high command but assured the voters of Darjiling that he would continue to work for them source says.


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