• Monday, 13 May, 2024 11:25:PM

    Akash, the nephew of Mayawati, chief of BSP, was very critical of the policies of BJP in all his public addresses, a source says. The speech and stand were hurting the interest of the BJP in many constituencies, especially where the Dalits are in the commanding positions, a source says. BSP nominated candidates after careful drafting and study of the caste balance of every constituency a source says. Later, approximately eight candidates were changed, and all care was taken by BSP to nominate candidates belonging to a similar caste of SP or Congress candidates to ensure the division of votes of that particular caste, a source says. This was a clear indication that BSP desires to help the BJP indirectly source says. The most interesting case was of Jaunpur, where wife of Dhananjay Singh was nominated by BSP, and it was pretty sure that she would give a tough fight and most likely win the seat, source says. BSP took the prompt decision and changed the wife of Dhananjay Singh with a candidate of Yadav community source says. The SP candidate also belongs to the Yadav community, and Jaunpur has a majority of voters of the Yadav community, a source says. The removal of Akash from all portfolios also directly helped the BJP a source says. This almost confirms the rumour that BSP is functioning as B team of BJP source says?


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