• Tuesday, 28 May, 2024 12:29:AM

    During the filing of nomination at Varanasi, all the prominent leaders were called to be present but especially three leaders, who are contesting the Lok Sabha election were also called source says. After nomination, all three were asked to remain and look after the given areas for better performance and results source says. Arjun Munda is contesting from Khunti, Jharkhand . Sanjeev Balitan, contesting from Muzaffarnagar and Sumeghanand Saraswati, contesting from Shekar, Rajasthan, were present during nomination and later were allotted different areas, a source says. A senior leader went to the other very senior leader appreciating the dedication of these leaders that despite their fight in the constituency, they are dedicatedly working for the party a source says. The reply from the senior was astonishing and unthought of source says.


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