• Monday, 15 July, 2024 11:21:PM

    In the recent oath-taking process some members of parliaments incding Rahul Gandhi added Samvidhan, which was not as per the script given to take oath source says. Owaisi also differed and took the name of Palestine in the last a source says.  Though members did not object on Rahul’s and others' oath with the name of Samvidhan the Speaker objected and later rules were replaced source says. On the contrary in the UK it was seen that many members took oaths highlighting their allegiance and some even on policies of their parties of course some followed the set rule but no one in the house nor the speaker responsible for conducting the process source says. Our democracy is following the British pattern if not all but to some extent then why this hue and cry? a source says. Does it show the depth of democracy or they are very liberal? Source says.

