Today's Witness Sunday, 08 December 2024, 04:53 PM, ( Updated at 11:30 AM Daily)
Monday, 04 November, 2024 11:51:PM
One time most influential leader of Bihar was regarded as the expert in reading the political trends of the country and this has given him ample opportunity to remain in power by switching sides as and when required source says. After his demise, the struggle between his son Chirag Paswan and his younger brother Pasupathi Paswan started for being political successor source says. In the BJP 2 government, Pasupathi got the upper hand with the help of the BJP and also got a ministerial berth in the central government and Chirag is somewhat sidelined source says. Now the situation changed, during recently concluded parliamentary elections, Chirag could manage six seats, which proved his popularity in the state source says. This has also given him a chance to get a ministerial berth the cabinet source says. Chirag is taking full advantage of this changed situation and now managed to get issued notice for a claim on the official bungalow, which is presently under the occupation of Pasupathi Paswan source says. Apart from this Chirag is trying his best to finish the group of Pasupathi Paswan and remain the single successor of his father’s party source says.