Today's Witness Wednesday, 22 January 2025, 09:51 AM, ( Updated at 11:30 AM Daily)
Monday, 18 November, 2024 09:46:PM
The ultimate, unexpected victory during the last assembly elections in Madhya Pradesh due to the penetration of party schemes up to the last beneficiary had forced all other governments including Maharashtra and Jharkhand to introduce similar schemes source says. Jharkhand government introduced the ‘Maia’ women-centric scheme and Maharashtra introduced ‘Ladki -BahiN yojna source says. The Maharashtra scheme is running in rough weather because the beneficiary feels that this scheme will not continue after elections and this is only a political election gimmick source says. To remove doubts from the minds p, the CM had to personally assure the women voters that the scheme would continue after coming to power again source says. The cms though borrowed the scheme but without going into details of the scheme introduced due to urgency being election years source says.