Today's Witness Sunday, 22 December 2024, 12:07 AM, ( Updated at 11:30 AM Daily)
Tuesday, 10 December, 2024 12:15:AM
Winters brings the very critical environmental condition in Delhi due to pollution conditions. Delhi become a gas chamber almost, despite many measures initiated by many agencies including the state government source says. It is a common perception that this is due to the burning of Parali by kisans of Punjab source says. A satellite picture and reports available in Chandigarh reveal that the condition of air pollution across the border is more critical in comparison to this side of the border source says. Air does not follow the boundaries and the burning of Parali that side affects the environmental conditions source says. This problem needs to be tackled by the central government being an international subject and simply blaming Punjab kisans is not going to solve the problem source says.