• Tuesday, 10 December, 2024 12:15:AM

    Delimitation of parliamentary constituencies is to start in 2026 and the southern states are a little worried about a reduction in seats. The number is decided based on population and southern states very faithfully followed the population policy of the country source says. This has resulted in a reduction in the birth rate directly affecting the population of these states source says. In contrast, the other states have increased their population and going by the existing formula, the seats in most of the northern states will increase source says. This will directly affect the power balance in the country. To avoid such a situation one MP from the south has suggested that one session of parliament be organised in one of the southern states to feel belongingness to the people one source says. Some experts have rejected the idea keeping in view the huge amount involved in managing sessions and shifting all infrastructure sources. This is not a new demand, in 1959, Atal Vajpayee after winning for the first time opined that one session should be in the southern state source says. The BJP is in power let's hope that, the pending demand of the ex-PM will be looked into freshly to make a decision source says.



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