• Wednesday, 12 February, 2025 10:01:PM

    Just concluded state elections of Delhi once again confirmed that voters can't be taken for granted. Not only did ex-CM list the elections but the entire galaxy lost leaving one or two stars remaining in assembly source says. 

    Sisodia, despite the change of constituency, could not make it, likewise, Bharadwaj, Satyendra Jain and many more sources say.  The analysts feel that the middle class moved away because of the very impressive game plan of the central government by announcing a cut in the tax slab, knowing well that the majority of the middle class would, I've to take it positively. The middle class was also much perturbed with all schemes going to poor Jhuggi jeopardy having income in the bracket of 0 to 25000/- source says. 

    The middle class with income between 25-50,000/- were not taken care and BJP smartly interred in that arena and grabbed their support. Free electricity, mohalla clinic and government schools all were for the people in the last bracket. Though the schemes drawn for them were after many surveys and well-thought-out charges, a direct attack on Rahul Gandhi in person and his party also affected the AAP propositions. It seems that Congress has taken revenge on Haryana and other states and surely this will dampen the high spirit of Kejriwal source says. 




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