Today's Witness Monday, 10 March 2025, 11:09 AM, ( Updated at 11:30 AM Daily)
Wednesday, 05 March, 2025 11:42:AM
After many years, probably the Supreme Court has shown disagreement for not appointing a leader of the opposition by a political party a state source says. In Jharkhand, the BJP still has not come out from the shock of the second defeat in assembly elections source says. RSS is working hard in the Adivasi area and some work is also being taken by BJP and RSS in urban areas to keep intact the support of voters.
The BJP wants to announce the name of one Adivasi leader as the leader of the house from the party side but has fear in mind that this step is likely to disturb the people, and supporters of urban areas and in this tricky situation not finalised name of leader source says. The CM is making use of the indecisive situation and projecting the current affairs of the BJP as a weakness, which is ultimately creating problems source says.