• Monday, 22 July, 2019 11:19:AM

    Those leaders from Bhagwa who were elected during Modi government 1.0, but lost the battle in Modi Government 2.0 have now become very proactive in conducting self analysis of their defeat. These days, they seem to be quite active in the parliament to grab a piece of attention of the second-time-made PM of India Narendra Modi. One of them is Vijay Goyal. He is seen to be quite active on every trivial and huge matter, and taking a lead in being vocal for the poor people in Delhi. It is heard that his next scheme is to conduct an exhibition that would showcase the life history, work and achievements of PM Modi and Atal Bihari Vajpayee. He has been sincerely meeting those artists for this matter. He has been spreading the word among some of his known media persons that soon he should be getting some important tasks. 



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